Learning Languages

There are a variety of language programs, audio CDs, DVDs, and computer programs that help you learn a foreign language. Berlitz, Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone, Transparent Language, etc. Which one works best? It is a matter of learning styles and personal preference. For audio CDs, I prefer the Pimsleur Approach. It works well for me. When I teach ESL, I sometimes mimic and expand on this method. Others hate this method.

I enjoy Transparent Language software. I find it helps me become more fluent reading in another language. I am going to explore the Berlitz program (computer software) to see how well that works.

Regardless of the publisher, I prefer the immersion approach. I hate the language programs that just have you repeat words, for example, the days of the week, numbers, etc. I think those are a waste of time.

I’ll blog back as I explore software, language audio CDs, and other approaches. Which method do you prefer?

About acohen843

I am a writer and ESL teacher who enjoys the challenge of starting businesses. Currently, I am a JuicePlus distributor (www.acohentakesjuiceplus.com) who is using this business opportunity as the foundation of a social entrepreneurship project.
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1 Response to Learning Languages

  1. Pimsleur says:

    Glad you like Pimsleur! The Pimsleur method can be used as an immersion experience, especially as you advance to higher lessons and levels. The Plus level course (available for Spanish, Italian, German, and French) is a complete immersion and is intended to completely prepare you for travel where there is no backup, so be sure to check that out if you’re studying one of those languages.

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